Workshops & Training

Innovative Approaches

to Elevate Your Practice

I offer a diverse array of professional development opportunities designed to elevate your educational expertise. My workshops are meticulously crafted to address the evolving needs of educators, administrators, and educational professionals in the realm of instructional technology and modern pedagogical practices.

Here, you will find a range of sessions covering topics from the integration of cutting-edge technology in the classroom to fostering inclusive and accessible digital learning environments. Each workshop is a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application, aimed at empowering you with the skills and insights needed to navigate and excel in today’s dynamic educational landscape.

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk

My workshops are diverse. They range from exploring innovative EdTech trends, mastering digital tools for student assessment, to embedding social-emotional learning in digital age classrooms. Whether you are looking to refine your online teaching strategies, understand the nuances of cybersecurity in education, or embrace the flipped classroom model, these workshops provide the knowledge and tools to transform your approach and enrich your professional journey.

Join BurressTech, LLC to stay at the forefront of educational innovation and to make a lasting impact in your learning environments. Select the workshops that resonate with your professional goals and institutional needs. Each session is designed to be engaging, informative, and immediately applicable.

Photo by Max Fischer

Technology Integration & Application

Discover the art of seamlessly blending technology with traditional teaching methods in our Technology Integration in Education workshops. Designed for forward-thinking educators, these sessions provide practical skills and innovative strategies to enrich your digital teaching toolkit, transform your classroom experience, and elevate student engagement through effective tech use.

  • πŸ”΅ Integrating Technology in the Classroom

    This workshop is designed for educators at all levels who are keen to integrate technology effectively in their classrooms. The focus is on practical strategies to incorporate various tech tools and digital resources to enhance teaching and student learning. Participants will explore how to use technology not just as a substitute, but as a means to transform and enrich the educational experience.

    Expected Skills and Knowledge:
    • Understanding of key educational technologies suitable for classroom integration.
    • Strategies for using technology to enhance student engagement and participation.
    • Techniques for blending technology with traditional teaching methods.
    • Knowledge of how to create tech-enhanced lesson plans that align with curricular goals.
    • Insight into tracking and assessing student performance using digital tools.
    • Awareness of potential challenges in tech integration and strategies to overcome them.
  • πŸ”΅ Effective Use of Learning Management Systems

    This workshop is tailored for educators and administrators aiming to optimize the use of Learning Management Systems (LMS) in their educational settings. Participants will gain hands-on experience in navigating, managing, and leveraging key features of popular LMS platforms. The session covers best practices for organizing content, tracking student progress, facilitating communication, and maximizing the potential of these systems to create a more efficient and interactive learning environment.

    Expected Skills and Knowledge:
    • Proficiency in navigating and utilizing key features of LMS platforms.
    • Strategies for organizing and presenting course content effectively in an LMS.
    • Techniques for tracking and assessing student progress and engagement.
    • Understanding of how to use LMS tools to facilitate communication and collaboration.
    • Insights into integrating additional digital tools with LMS for enhanced learning.
  • πŸ”΅ Creating Interactive Digital Content

    This workshop is designed for educators and content creators who want to enrich their digital learning resources. It focuses on creating interactive and engaging digital content that can captivate and motivate learners. Participants will learn how to use various tools and software to create multimedia learning materials, such as interactive videos, infographics, and quizzes, which can be integrated into any learning management system or presented independently.

    Expected Skills and Knowledge:
    • Skills in using different digital tools and software for creating engaging content.
    • Techniques for designing interactive videos, infographics, and other multimedia elements.
    • Understanding how to incorporate interactivity to enhance learner engagement and retention.
    • Best practices for aligning digital content with learning objectives and outcomes.
    • Strategies for making content accessible and inclusive for a diverse learner base.
  • πŸ”΅ Digital Tools for Student Assessment

    This workshop designed to equip educators with the knowledge and skills to leverage digital assessment tools effectively. This session aims to streamline the grading process and enhance the assessment of student performance. Participants will explore a variety of digital assessment platforms and tools, learning how to implement them to provide timely, meaningful feedback and track student progress in a more efficient, data-driven manner.

    Expected Skills and Knowledge:
    • Proficiency in using a range of digital assessment tools and platforms.
    • Strategies for creating and administering digital quizzes, tests, and assignments.
    • Understanding how to utilize analytics and reporting features for tracking student progress.
    • Skills to provide constructive, timely feedback through digital means.
    • Knowledge of aligning digital assessments with learning objectives and outcomes.
  • πŸ”΅ Flipped Classroom Model

    This workshop is tailored for educators looking to innovate their teaching approach by flipping the traditional classroom model. This interactive session explores the fundamentals of the flipped classroom, a method where students engage with lecture materials at home and utilize classroom time for hands-on learning and problem-solving. Participants will learn how to effectively plan, create, and implement flipped classroom strategies to enhance student engagement and deepen understanding of course material.

    Expected Skills and Knowledge:
    • Understanding the principles and benefits of the flipped classroom model.
    • Techniques for creating engaging pre-class materials, such as video lectures and reading assignments.
    • Strategies for maximizing in-class time with interactive, student-centered learning activities.
    • Insights into addressing common challenges and resistance in implementing the flipped model.
    • Best practices for integrating technology to support both at-home learning and in-class activities.
Photo by

Innovative Teaching Methods

Step into the future of education with my workshops on innovative teaching methods. These sessions are a deep dive into modern and creative teaching approaches, designed to make learning not just a process but an engaging journey. Discover how to personalize and invigorate your classroom with interactive techniques and digital innovations, transforming the educational experience for your students.

  • πŸ”΅ Adaptive Learning Technologies

    This workshop is designed to introduce educators to the dynamic world of adaptive learning tools and their application in modern classrooms. This session focuses on understanding and utilizing adaptive learning technologies that personalize the educational experience for each student based on their unique learning pace, style, and needs. Educators will explore a variety of adaptive software and platforms, learning how to integrate them into their teaching to create a more individualized and effective learning environment.

    Expected Skills and Knowledge:
    • Profound understanding of what adaptive learning technologies are and how they function.
    • Familiarity with various adaptive learning tools and platforms available in the market.
    • Skills to integrate adaptive learning technologies into lesson plans and curriculum.
    • Strategies to use adaptive technologies for differentiating instruction to meet diverse learning needs.
    • Ability to analyze and interpret data generated by adaptive learning systems to inform teaching practices.
    • Insights into best practices for implementing adaptive learning in a classroom setting, including addressing challenges and resistance.
    • Knowledge of how adaptive learning can support students with different learning abilities and styles.
  • πŸ”΅ Utilizing Gamification in Learning

    This is an interactive workshop designed to introduce educators to the concept and application of gamification in educational settings. This session will explore how game elements and game design techniques can be integrated into classroom learning to enhance student engagement, motivation, and learning outcomes. Participants will learn how to transform traditional lesson plans into more interactive and enjoyable experiences, making learning both fun and effective.

    Expected Skills and Knowledge:
    • Understanding the core principles of gamification and its relevance in education.
    • Ability to identify and apply key game mechanics such as points, badges, leaderboards, and challenges in educational content.
    • Strategies for designing and implementing gamified activities that align with learning objectives and outcomes.
    • Techniques for fostering a competitive yet collaborative learning environment.
    • Insights into balancing gamification elements to maintain educational rigor while ensuring student engagement.
    • Knowledge of various digital tools and platforms that support gamification in education.
    • Skills to assess and evaluate the effectiveness of gamified learning experiences.
  • πŸ”΅ Building Collaborative Learning Environments

    This is a workshop designed for educators and administrators focused on fostering collaboration and teamwork in the classroom. This session explores the principles and practices of creating learning spaces that encourage student interaction, cooperative learning, and group problem-solving. Participants will learn how to design activities and use tools that build a strong sense of community and collaboration among students, enhancing their communication skills and collective learning experiences.

    Expected Skills and Knowledge:
    • Understanding the importance and benefits of collaborative learning in educational settings.
    • Techniques for structuring the physical and virtual classroom environment to facilitate group interaction and cooperation.
    • Strategies for designing and implementing collaborative learning activities and projects.
    • Skills in using digital collaboration tools and platforms to enhance group work and interaction.
    • Methods for assessing and providing feedback on group work and collaborative projects.
    • Insight into addressing challenges in group dynamics and ensuring equitable participation.
    • Best practices for nurturing a classroom culture that values teamwork, communication, and shared responsibility.
  • πŸ”΅ Effective Online Teaching Strategies

    This workshop is specifically tailored for educators navigating the realm of virtual classrooms. As online education becomes increasingly prevalent, this session provides crucial insights into best practices for remote teaching. Participants will explore a variety of strategies to deliver engaging, impactful, and effective online instruction. The workshop focuses on optimizing the use of digital platforms, enhancing student interaction, maintaining high levels of engagement, and ensuring that learning objectives are met in a virtual environment.

    Expected Skills and Knowledge:
    • Mastery in utilizing various online teaching platforms and tools for effective instruction.
    • Techniques to engage and motivate students in a virtual learning setting.
    • Strategies for creating dynamic, interactive online lessons that captivate students’ attention.
    • Understanding how to maintain and foster a sense of classroom community and student collaboration remotely.
    • Skills for effective online classroom management, including addressing technical challenges.
    • Best practices for assessing student learning and providing feedback in an online format.
    • Insights into adapting traditional teaching methods to suit online learning environments, ensuring educational continuity and effectiveness.
Photo by Julia M Cameron

Digital Safety & Citizenship

Navigate the digital landscape with confidence and responsibility in my digital safety and citizenship workshops. Designed for educators, these sessions emphasize the critical importance of online safety and ethical technology use, equipping both you and your students with the knowledge to use digital tools wisely and securely.

  • πŸ”΅ Cybersecurity Basics for Educators

    This workshop is designed to address the growing need for digital security awareness in educational settings. As classrooms increasingly integrate technology, understanding the fundamentals of cybersecurity becomes essential for educators. This workshop focuses on providing teachers with the knowledge and tools necessary to protect both their own and their students’ digital information. Participants will learn about common cyber threats, safe online practices, and strategies to implement robust cybersecurity measures in their teaching and administrative duties.

    Expected Skills and Knowledge:
    • Fundamental understanding of cybersecurity principles and their importance in education.
    • Awareness of common cyber threats such as phishing, malware, and data breaches.
    • Strategies for creating and managing strong passwords and protecting sensitive information.
    • Best practices for safe internet use in the classroom, including secure browsing and communication.
    • Techniques for educating students about digital safety and responsible online behavior.
    • Skills to implement basic cybersecurity measures in educational technology tools and platforms.
    • Knowledge of how to respond to and report cybersecurity incidents within a school environment.
  • πŸ”΅ Promoting Digital Citizenship

    This workshop is geared towards educators, focusing on the importance of guiding students to become responsible, informed, and respectful digital citizens. In an age where the internet and social media play a significant role in students’ lives, this workshop addresses how educators can teach students to navigate the digital world ethically and safely. Participants will explore various aspects of digital citizenship, including online safety, digital ethics, privacy management, and the cultivation of a positive digital footprint.

    Expected Skills and Knowledge:
    • Comprehensive understanding of digital citizenship and its relevance in the current educational landscape.
    • Strategies for teaching students about online safety, privacy, and security.
    • Techniques for discussing the ethical use of information and technology in the classroom.
    • Skills to guide students in managing their digital identity and footprint responsibly.
    • Methods for incorporating digital citizenship into existing curricula and classroom activities.
    • Insights into fostering respectful online communication and combating cyberbullying.
    • Best practices for encouraging critical thinking about digital media and information sources.
Photo by Pixabay

Data-Driven Education

Unlock the power of data in your educational strategies with my data-driven education workshops. Here, educators learn to harness data analytics to refine teaching approaches and enhance student outcomes, turning insights into action for more effective and informed educational practices.

  • πŸ”΅ Data-Driven Decision Making in Education

    This is a workshop designed to empower educators, administrators, and educational leaders with the skills to utilize data effectively in their decision-making processes. In a landscape where educational data is increasingly available and critical, this session explores how to collect, analyze, and interpret data to enhance teaching strategies, improve student outcomes, and make informed decisions about educational policies and practices. Participants will learn about various data sources, tools for data analysis, and methods for applying data insights to drive positive changes in their educational settings.

    Expected Skills and Knowledge:
    • Understanding the importance and sources of data in educational contexts.
    • Skills in collecting, organizing, and analyzing educational data.
    • Techniques for interpreting data and translating it into actionable insights.
    • Strategies for using data to identify trends, strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities in educational practices.
    • Knowledge of data privacy and ethical considerations in handling student data.
    • Best practices for presenting data findings to stakeholders in a clear, understandable manner.
    • Insights into integrating data-driven decision-making into school improvement plans and instructional strategies.
  • πŸ”΅ Evaluation and Feedback Strategies

    This workshop is designed for educators and educational leaders looking to enhance their assessment practices. This workshop focuses on effective methods for evaluating student learning and providing constructive feedback. Participants will explore diverse assessment techniques, tools for meaningful feedback, and strategies to use evaluation data to improve both teaching and learning processes. The session aims to equip educators with the skills to assess student performance comprehensively and to utilize feedback as a powerful tool for student growth and development.

    Expected Skills and Knowledge:
    • Proficiency in developing and implementing diverse and fair evaluation methods.
    • Techniques for providing timely, specific, and constructive feedback to students.
    • Understanding how to align assessment strategies with learning objectives and outcomes.
    • Skills in using digital tools and platforms for efficient and effective student assessment.
    • Strategies for using feedback and assessment data to inform and enhance teaching practices.
    • Best practices for involving students in the feedback process, fostering a growth mindset.
    • Knowledge of how to communicate evaluation results to students, parents, and other stakeholders effectively.
Photo by fauxels

EdTech Trends and Inclusivity

Stay ahead of the curve with my workshops on the latest EdTech trends and approaches to inclusivity. Explore how emerging technologies are shaping the educational landscape, and learn to create more inclusive and accessible learning environments, integrating social-emotional learning for a holistic educational approach.

  • πŸ”΅ Innovative EdTech Trends

    This workshop is designed for educators, administrators, and tech enthusiasts in the education sector who are keen to stay ahead of the curve with the latest technological innovations in education. This dynamic session explores emerging trends in educational technology and their potential impact on teaching and learning. Participants will be introduced to cutting-edge tools, platforms, and pedagogical strategies that are shaping the future of education. The workshop aims to provide a comprehensive overview of how these new technologies can be effectively integrated into classrooms to enhance learning experiences.

    Expected Skills and Knowledge:
    • Awareness of the latest trends and advancements in educational technology.
    • Understanding the applications and implications of emerging EdTech tools in educational settings.
    • Strategies for integrating new technologies into curriculum and instruction to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes.
    • Insights into the future directions of EdTech and how they might influence educational practices.
    • Knowledge of best practices for evaluating and selecting appropriate technological tools for classroom use.
    • Skills to advocate for and implement innovative EdTech solutions in educational institutions.
    • Awareness of the challenges and considerations in adopting new technologies, including equity and accessibility issues.
  • πŸ”΅ Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) in the Digital Age

    This is a workshop that blends the essential components of SEL with the challenges and opportunities of today’s digital learning environments. This session is designed for educators who want to integrate SEL effectively into their digital classrooms and online interactions. Participants will explore how to nurture emotional intelligence, empathy, and effective communication in students, while using technology as a tool to support and enhance these skills. The workshop will address strategies to foster a safe, inclusive, and emotionally supportive online learning space, acknowledging the unique social-emotional dynamics that technology brings into play.

    Expected Skills and Knowledge:
    • Understanding of SEL fundamentals and their importance in the digital age.
    • Strategies for incorporating SEL into digital lesson plans and online interactions.
    • Techniques for promoting empathy, self-awareness, and emotional regulation through digital platforms.
    • Skills to create a safe and inclusive online learning environment that supports students’ social and emotional needs.
    • Approaches to using digital tools to facilitate collaboration, communication, and community building among students.
    • Best practices for addressing online bullying, digital citizenship, and responsible technology use in the context of SEL.
    • Insights into monitoring and supporting students’ emotional well-being in virtual settings.
  • πŸ”΅ Accessibility and Inclusivity in Digital Education

    This workshop is aimed at educators and instructional designers focused on creating equitable digital learning environments. This session delves into the strategies and best practices for ensuring that digital content, tools, and platforms are accessible to all students, including those with disabilities. Participants will learn about the principles of universal design for learning (UDL), how to make digital resources compliant with accessibility standards, and ways to foster an inclusive online classroom culture that respects and addresses the diverse needs of all learners.

    Expected Skills and Knowledge:
    • Deep understanding of the importance of accessibility and inclusivity in digital education.
    • Knowledge of legal requirements and standards for digital accessibility (e.g., ADA compliance, WCAG guidelines).
    • Techniques for creating and selecting digital content that is accessible to students with various disabilities.
    • Strategies for implementing UDL principles to accommodate diverse learning styles and needs.
    • Skills in using assistive technologies and adaptive tools to enhance accessibility.
    • Insights into building an inclusive digital classroom environment that encourages participation and engagement from all students.
    • Best practices for addressing and removing barriers to digital learning, ensuring equal opportunities for success.
    per workshop session
    • Interactive, hands-on training session
    • Customizable content to fit specific educational needs
    • Inclusive of travel expenses within New Jersey
    • Duration: Typically 1 - 2 hours (varies by workshop)
    • Provision of training materials
    • On-site Q&A and discussion sessions
    per workshop session
    • Live virtual workshop via virtual conferencing platforms
    • Interactive and engaging digital content
    • Flexible scheduling to accommodate different time zones
    • Duration: Typically 1 - 2 hours (varies by workshop)
    • Access to digital resources and follow-up materials
    • Virtual Q&A and interactive discussions